- From: Rob McCool <robm@robm.com>
- Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 09:33:01 -0800
- To: Cesar Ariza Avila <cariza@dsi.uminho.pt>
- Cc: public-rdf-tap@w3.org
> I installed TAP in my server (http://marte.dsi.uminho.pt/data), and I > downloaded and put Places.rdf from stanford to my "data" directory. > > Now I want to run the examples (ex1a, ex1b,...) over my server, but > always I received a "null" like an answer. > > Any suggestion? There seems to be a problem with the Places.rdf file available for download; it doesn't parse correctly. I'll make sure this gets fixed soon.
Received on Friday, 24 January 2003 12:33:44 UTC