- From: Richard H. McCullough <rhm@cdepot.net>
- Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 14:06:53 -0700
- To: "Rob McCool" <robm@robm.com>
- Cc: <public-rdf-tap@w3.org>, "KR-language" <KR-language@YahooGroups.com>
Forget the "Property" problem on panic server. I was still translating "Property" to "PropertyType". Dick McCullough knowledge := man do identify od existent done; knowledge haspart proposition list; ----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard H. McCullough" <rhm@cdepot.net> To: "Rob McCool" <robm@robm.com> Cc: <public-rdf-tap@w3.org>; "KR-language" <KR-language@YahooGroups.com> Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 1:48 PM Subject: Re: SuperClass & SubClass > Here are some examples (with SuperClass & SubClass flags set) >
Received on Thursday, 7 August 2003 17:57:40 UTC