- From: Richard H. McCullough <rhm@cdepot.net>
- Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 15:01:13 -0700
- To: "Rob McCool" <robm@robm.com>
- Cc: "Turner, Aaron" <Aaron.Turner@goodrich.com>, "KR-language" <KR-language@YahooGroups.com>, "Latimer, Richard S." <rslatimer@comcast.net>, "Apollo, Adrian" <Thinkonaut@aol.com>, "Bray, Tim" <tbray@textuality.com>, <public-rdf-tap@w3.org>
See my answers below. Dick McCullough knowledge := man do identify od existent done; knowledge haspart proposition list; ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rob McCool" <robm@robm.com> To: "Richard H. McCullough" <rhm@cdepot.net> Cc: <public-rdf-tap@w3.org>; "Bray, Tim" <tbray@textuality.com>; "Apollo, Adrian" <Thinkonaut@aol.com>; "Latimer, Richard S." <rslatimer@comcast.net>; "KR-language" <KR-language@YahooGroups.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 12:13 PM Subject: Re: MKR interface and GetData bugs/features > > 1. MKE 6.0 has a much improved interface to the TAP KB. > > Using MKE, and comparing the results to the online Perl > > browser, I have identified some new GetData bugs/features. > > Very cool. > > > 3. "Resource" info. must sometimes be retrieved using "Node". > > Likewise, "Property" must be called "PropertyType". > > For now, I have programmed this translation into the shell script > > http://rhm.cdepot.net/bin/GetData > > Can you try this against my development server at > http://panic.stanford.edu/data/ > and see if these problems have been fixed? The server on panic uses a newer > data set and I think I fixed all these irritating issues. Yes, I will try your new system & let you know. > > > 4. subject has ?; # GetData subject domain yes > > does not return all of the properties. Note that Michael Jordan > > has four properties, and none are returned by GetData. Most > > properties (with values) can be retrieved by name. > > $. has type = Athlete; # $. isu Athlete; > > $. has title = "Michael Jordan"; > > $. has plays = SportBasketBall; > > $. has playsForTeam = SportsTeamWashingtonWizards; > > Can you show me the query that you're using to ask for the properties, > so I can try to reproduce it? GetData shell script is called as GetData subject property inverse prefix suffix Actual Java program is shown in http://rhm.cdepot.net/bin/GetData. Note that I am using your SuperClass and SubClass search flags. In each case, the subject is "AthleteJordan,_Michael". For retrieving all the properties, property is "domain" and inverse is "yes". For retrieving the individual properties, the properties are "type", "title", "plays", "playsForTeam" and inverse is "no". GetData is called by http://rhm.cdepot.net/bin/mkrGetData, whose arguments are an MKR question minus the terminating semicolon. > > > 5. subject has title = ?; # GetData subject title no > > always fails. > > You may need to use "label" or "rdfs:label" here, we've been standardizing > toward the rdfs version of "what's this called" and not the Dublin Core > version. I will try some variations on these names. > >
Received on Wednesday, 6 August 2003 18:16:39 UTC