Re: TAP software

On Tue, 2 Jul 2002, Rob McCool wrote:

> Hi everybody, I thought I'd give everybody an update on just where exactly
> the TAP software is.


Sound like you've been busy!

I didn't see mention of the TAP KB itself. I'm running a copy on my dev't
box ( and it was pretty easy to get running,
but wasn't at the time really packaged up. Is this part of the plan?

That raises the issue of dealing with distributed updates, since the
installation allows the KB to be edited. I've no intention of doing that.
Is the idea that there'll be lots of live installations of the KB. All
using the same namespace? I talked a bit with Guha last month about
possibility of partitioning the TAP namespace, with core concepts in one
part, schema/onto concepts in another, and the bulk of the KB in other

It'd also be useful to specify agreed namespace URIs for tap classes and
properties, and some conventions for using tap concept IDs as identifiers
in RDF instance data (either as URIs or as values for the properties of

Oh, I had some nits to pick about GetData(). Can you point me at the
latest spec so I get it right? Basic concern was that the protocol seemed
to depend on XML infoset ordering of the elements that compose an RDF
description. But I can't find the reference or my notes now...

Anyhow, looking fwd to the code :)




Received on Tuesday, 2 July 2002 22:25:19 UTC