Re: Blog post about "Provenance in RDF-star"

Hi Kingsley

On 26/01/2022 22:42, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> On 1/26/22 3:34 PM, Pierre-Antoine Champin wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> following a discussion during our two last calls, I published a post 
>> about "Provenance in RDF-star":

>> quoting the intro:
>> > In this post, we present some lessons learned by the group through 
>> discussions and exchanges. This is meant to give some insight about 
>> the rationale behind RDF-star, and some guidelines about how to best 
>> use it for modeling provenance data.
>> Many thanks to all the participants of the RDF-star group for their 
>> reviews and feedback on this post.
>>   pa
> Hi Pierre-Antoine,
> An opening example in that blog post:
> PREFIX : <>
> << :employee38 :jobTitle "Assistant Designer" >>
>     :accordingTo :employee22, :employee38 ;
>     :confidence 0.8 .
> My variant using RDF as it exists.
> ## RDF-Turtle Start ##
> # PREFIX : <>
> PREFIX schema: <>
> PREFIX : <#>
> [
>   :jobTitle "Assistant Designer" ;
>   schema:identifier :employee38  # if desired, 
> inverse-functional-property semantics can be applied to the 
> schema:identifier relation.
> ] :accordingTo :employee22, :employee38 ;
>   :confidence 0.8 .
> ## RDF-Turtle End ##
> What is the difference between both? Is it that your RDF-Star example 
> expresses a statement (*utterance*) while mine expresses a fact 
> (*proposition*)?
The answer to this question does not depend, in my view, on the use of 
RDF-star vs. plain RDF, but it depends on the particular ontology you 
are using. More specifically, what is the domain of :accordingTo and 
:confidence? That's the answer to your question.

(although, in the RDF-star case, the answer might be a little 
convoluted, as discussed with Antoine [1]; something like e.g. 
":confidence links a triple to the confidence level we have in the 
proposition made by this triple").$

The real difference that RDF-star makes, IMO, is that it provides 
homogeneity between the things you talk about and the things you assert. 

   << :employee38 :jobTitle "Assistant Designer" >> :confidence 0.8.
   :employee22 :jobTitle "Senior Manager" {| :confidence 1.0 |}.



> "A *statement* occurs at a particular time and place. But a *fact* is 
> independent of time and place." [1]
> Links:
> [1] 
> -- John F. Sowa post about statements and facts
> -- 
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen 
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Received on Friday, 28 January 2022 08:01:33 UTC