Re: multisets everywhere

Dear Anthony, 

> Hi Fabio, I think I see what you're doing now, forgive my mistake before. You're using unasserted triples "<<>>" because you're trying to say those triples should only be asserted within a certain context.
> Using the pattern I've been describing, my attempt at restructuring these (using pseudocode) would be something like:
> :Napoleon :role :Emperor "1804-05-18"^^xsd:Date "1814-04-06"^^xsd:Date :FirstFrenchEmpire
> {
>   :DihydrogenMonoxide :form :Solid,
>   :DihydrogenMonoxide rdfs:label "Ice",
> } _ _ _
>   {
>     physical:temperatureRange-C [_, 0],
>   }
> {
>   :DihydrogenMonoxide :form :Liquid,
>   :DihydrogenMonoxide rdfs:label "Water",
> } _ _ _
>   {
>     physical:temperatureRange-C [0, 100],
>     physical:pressure-Atm :1,
>   }
> {
>   :DihydrogenMonoxide :form :Gas,
>   :DihydrogenMonoxide rdfs:label "Steam",
> } _ _ _
>   {
>     physical:temperatureRange-C [100, _],
>   }

Not clear what the _ _ _ mean: empty parameters, maybe? Why do you want to have a role for conditions? And why should it be position specific? 

Oh. I understand: terseness. Ok: you are suggesting a linearization around quoted triples that specifies in a specific order initial and final dates, geographical constraint and other types of constraint. 

Cool. I like it. 

> And actually, that first one I'd probably simplify to:
> :Napoleon :emperorOf :FirstFrenchEmpire "1804-05-18"^^xsd:Date "1814-04-06"^^xsd:Date
> Regards
> Anthony

No, this I would not appreciate. This implies adding many different predicates (:presidentOf, :monarchOf, :emperorOf, :dictatorOf, etc.) and a lot of description of how to use each predicate. I even repent using monarch (but wikidata made me do it), and would now rather use :headOfState or some such, equally used in all countries regardless of whether they are a monarchy or a republic or something else: 

:Napoleon :role :headOfState "1804-05-18"^^xsd:Date "1814-04-06"^^xsd:Date :FirstFrenchEmpire




Fabio Vitali                            Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly,
Dept. of Computer Science        Man got to sit and wonder "Why, why, why?'
Univ. of Bologna  ITALY               Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land,
phone:  +39 051 2094872              Man got to tell himself he understand.
e-mail:         Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007), "Cat's cradle"

Received on Monday, 3 January 2022 22:17:45 UTC