回复: which database currently supports hypergraph relationship

Thank you Manuel. I’ll try graphDB or StarDog.
One more question related :
        Is there an editor that supports RDF* ?  Can RDF* be expressed in XML format ?


发件人: Manuel López E. <mailto:manuel.lopezen@gmail.com>
发送时间: 2021年5月23日 1:24
收件人: Joy lix<mailto:joylix4112@outlook.com>
主题: Re: which database currently supports hypergraph relationship

You are probably looking for Stardog, Anzo or GraphDB
Sent from my iPhone

On 22 May 2021, at 11:39, Joy lix <joylix4112@outlook.com> wrote:

Dear all, I‘m trying importing rdf* into neo4j according to :

with example1 in RDF* Spec:
----------------  https://w3c.github.io/rdf-star/cg-spec/editors_draft.html#example-1

@prefix : http://www.example.org/ .
:employee38 :familyName "Smith" .
<< :employee38 :jobTitle "Assistant Designer" >> :accordingTo :employee22 .

But Neo4j is just a property graph database, so it imported only two nodes but no edges.

Can anyone tell me what tools or graph databases currently support the processing and storage of hypergraphs?
Just like in:   https://enterprise-knowledge.com/rdf-what-is-it-and-why-do-i-need-it/

Thanks a lot for any information.


Received on Sunday, 23 May 2021 09:59:20 UTC