Re: Summary: Annotation Syntax Proposals

Am 21. Januar 2021 17:48:12 MEZ schrieb Pierre-Antoine Champin <>:
>On 21/01/2021 17:35, thomas lörtsch wrote:
>> Not related, just a quick question by the side: would the following -
>line 1 having 2 objects - be legal?
>>  :s :p1 :o1, :o2 {| :source :URL1 |},
>>     :p2 :o3 {| :source URL3 |}.
>Yes, and it would produce the following triples:
>:s :p1 :o1.
>:s :p1 :o2.
><< :s :p1 :o2 >> :source :URL1.
>:s :p2 :o3.
><< :s :p2 :o3 >> :source :URL3.

That feels wrong. It should also produce:

<< :s :p1 :o1 >> :source :URL1. 

Hm, sorry for polluting this thread with another problem :-/

Received on Thursday, 21 January 2021 18:52:51 UTC