Re: Summary: Annotation Syntax Proposals

On 2021-01-20 4:10 am, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> + Is nesting allowed in the annotationBlock? that is, be able to add 
> annotations to the extra triples inside the annotation block? 
> (Technical consequence: if not, then the Turtle grammar has to have 
> more changes to exclude this possibility by having versions of some 
> grammar rules with and without the annotation syntax, and also in the 
> grammar rules a production uses. Annotation is part of 
> predicateObjectList.
> Nesting requires a delimiter style - mark the start and end of the 
> annotation block.

Has the RDF* group agreed that nesting should be supported in general? I 
would consider this feature rather unnecessary. Allowing multiple levels 
of annotations (i.e. reification of reified triples) puts extra burden 
on developers who then need to create UIs and other algorithms around 
those cases. And how many of the users are going to understand these 


Received on Tuesday, 19 January 2021 23:50:52 UTC