Re: ReSpec standards for RDF* and SPARQL*?

Thanks for this spec. Enjoy your vacation. I haven't much experience with
PGs, so I'm not sure that I'll be of much use beyond general suggestions
for collaborative processes:

- [ ] Configure GH pages so that it's possible to read the HTML pages at ?
- [ ] Create labels and/or an issue for RDF*/SPARQL* in ?
- [ ] Point to this mailing list (public-rdf-star) in the README and/or a
- [ ] Add references to RDF*/SPARQL* in the so that searches
find the project home
- [ ] Add links to the original blog posts to [how to contribute to] these
new ReSpec docs?


Possible use case: AtomSpace
  > The AtomSpace is a platform for building Artificial General
Intelligence (AGI) systems. It provides the central knowledge
representation component for OpenCog. As such, it is a fairly mature
component, on which a lot of other systems are built, and which depend on
it for stable, correct operation in a day-to-day production environment.
      > A Value is used to assign valuations to Atoms. Multiple, different
valuations can be associated to a single atom, which can be accessed with a
key. The key can be any other atom. In essence, every atom has an
associated key-value store. The triple (atom, key, value) is called a
Valuation. In the atom type hierarchy, Values inherit from ProtoAtom.
      > Values can be lists of floats (FloatValue), lists of strings
(StringValue), or lists of values (LinkValue). There are two types of
values that get special treatment in the code: the various different
TruthValues, and the AttentionValues.

Received on Monday, 10 August 2020 21:28:25 UTC