Re: RDF* semantics

> I explicitly said "semantically equivalent" rather than just "equivalent." 
> Hence, what I meant is that the given RDF* triple should be interpreted to 
> have the same meaning as the the given set of five RDF triples (i.e., they 
> represents the same information).
> > >   :Alice :asserts << :Bob foaf:age"23"^^xsd:integer >> .

Does that imply a rule that says,

  { ?s ?p << ?ss ?pp ??oo >> } <=>
  { ?s ?p [ rdf:subject ?ss; rdf:predicate ?pp rdf:object ?oo ] }.

or do you have a different idea of `semantic equivalence' in mind?

William Waites |
Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation
School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

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Received on Tuesday, 3 September 2019 09:38:00 UTC