Re: RDF*/SPARQL* syntax

Hi Richard,

On söndag 1 september 2019 kl. 13:33:36 CEST Richard Cyganiak wrote:
> [...]
> Let me state the problem with Turtle* a bit more explicitly.
> A Turtle file is (if we ignore base and prefix mappings) a set of blocks of
> triples, where the triples in each block share the same subject.
> It is common practice to group all triples that share the same subject into
> such a block.
> If Turtle*'s new features (nested triples) are used, this practice is no
> longer possible.
> If a triple t is used as the subject of another triple, then t cannot be
> grouped together with other triples that share the same subject. Instead, t
> needs to be removed from the block, or repeated outside of the block.

I got that, and I agree that the issue you are pointing out is indeed a 
downside of the current approach to define the Turtle* syntax.

> If there was a way to change Turtle* so that it visually still looks like
> nested triples, but at the same time retains Turtle's ability to group
> triples with same subject into a single block (even if some of these
> triples are annotated), then I would likely prefer that change over my
> straw man proposal. But I cannot think of such a way.

Me neither :-(

> > Even if it is not, there are some features of (nested) RDF* triples that
> > I cannot immediately picture how they may be captured in the alternative
> > serialization syntax you outline:
> > 
> > 1/ What about RDF* triples that consist of multiple levels of nesting?
> > For instance, consider the following RDF* triple:
> > 
> > ( ((:a, :b, :c), :d, :e), :f, :g ) .
> > 
> > Using the Turtle* syntax as it is defined at the moment, this triple
> > would be serialized as follows:
> > 
> > << <<:a :b :c>> :d :e >> :f :g .
> > 
> > How would you represent this triple in the alternative serialization
> > syntax that you have outlined?
> In my straw man syntax, this triple would be written as:
>     :a :b :c <<:d :e <<:f :g>> >>.

Mmh. While I understand how this would work, I think that expressions of this 
form can be confusing as a serialization syntax for nested RDF* triples. I 
mean, this expression also looks like something that is nested, but the way 
this expression uses nesting is a very different one from the notion of 
nesting of triples that we have in abstract syntax of the RDF* data model.

> > 2/ What about (nested) RDF* triples that have a triple in their object
> > position? For instance, consider the following RDF* triple:
> > 
> > ( :a, :b, (:c, :d, :e) ) .
> > 
> > Using Turtle* as defined at the moment, this triple would be serialized
> > 
> > as follows:
> > :a :b <<:c :d :e>> .
> > 
> > How would you represent this triple in the alternative serialization
> > syntax that you have outlined?
> I could think of a number of ways of handling this situation. Before I
> propose one, I'd like some clarification on the use cases for triples of
> that shape. I'll start a new thread for that.



> Thanks,
> Richard
> > Thanks,
> > Olaf
> > 
> > On Wed, 2019-08-07 at 16:55 +0100, Richard Cyganiak wrote:
> >>> On 5 Aug 2019, at 15:16, Olaf Hartig <> wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> On Mon, 2019-07-08 at 11:09 +0100, Richard Cyganiak wrote:
> >>>> [...]
> >>>> 4. I have concerns about the RDF*/SPARQL* syntax that I'd like to
> >>>> discuss at some point.
> >>> 
> >>> What are these concerns?
> >>> 
> >>> Are these concerns related to the abstract syntax (nested triples and
> >>> nested triple patterns)
> >> 
> >> No, the abstract syntax as proposed seems quite sensible and parsimonious
> >> to me.>> 
> >>> or to the Turtle* serialization format?
> >> 
> >> The concerns are related to the Turtle* and SPARQL* serialisation
> >> syntaxes. My concern for SPARQL* is bigger than for Turtle* as queries
> >> are more often written by hand.>> 
> >> In these syntaxes, a triple :s :p :o annotated with property-value :annoP 
:annoV is:
> >>    <<:s :p :o>> :annoP :annoV.
> >> 
> >> In Turtle, a common and important idiom is to use the common-subject 
> >>    :resource1 a :SomeType;
> >>    :
> >>        :p1 :o1;
> >>        :p2 :o2;
> >>        :p3 :o3;
> >>        
> >>        .
> >> 
> >> Similarly in SPARQL:
> >>    ?resource a :SomeType;
> >>    
> >>        :p1 :o1;
> >>        :p2 ?value2;
> >>        :p3 ?value3
> >> 
> >> The design of the Turtle*/SPARQL* syntax is such that it cannot coexist 
with this important idiom. To add an RDF*/SPARQL* annotation to either of the 
snippets above, one has to rip the snippet apart, undoing the common-subject 
abbreviation. For example:
> >>    ?resource a :SomeType;
> >>    
> >>        :p1 :o1.
> >>    
> >>    <<?resource :p2 ?value2>> :annoP ?annoV
> >>    ?resource :p3 ?value3
> >> 
> >> This involves a lot of unnecessary typing and syntactic repetition. The
> >> result suffers from poor readability and does not make the intent
> >> visually clear.>> 
> >> There are various alternative syntaxes that would not share these 
shortcomings. As a straw man:
> >>    ?resource a :SomeType;
> >>    
> >>        :p1 :o1;
> >>        :p2 ?value2 <<:annoP ?annoV>>;
> >>        :p3 ?value3
> >> 
> >> Sp what I would like to see is a different way of extending Turtle and
> >> SPARQL with nested triples and nested triple patterns that does play
> >> better with idiomatic Turtle and SPARQL.
> >> 
> >> Richard

Received on Monday, 2 September 2019 15:57:29 UTC