Re: Welcome to the RDF*/SPARQL* mailing list

Dear Olaf, All,

My name is Jerven Bolleman and work at the Swiss Institute of 
Bioinformatics, primarily on the UniProt project. This included[1] with 54 billion triples, probably the largest 
public endpoint in the world.

17% of our triples are reification quads. This is unfortunate as it 
affects our query-ability significantly. Both when typing the query
as well as in query performance for when we do need to do joins on
our provenance.

Secondly we have long used the RDF/XML rdf:ID [2] in our data 
distribution for the natural compression it gives and the ease of 
parsing the provenance with non pure RDF stacks.

My personal interest is too see how far we can take the "syntactic sugar 
on top of RDF and SPARQL" option. Specifically if we can have a 
canonical algorithm for determining a "bnode ID" of a triples.



On 7/6/19 12:11 PM, Olaf Hartig wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just wanted to welcome everyone who has already subscribed to this list!
> The main purpose of this list is to have a place where folks can ask and
> discuss questions related to the RDF*/SPARQL* approach and how to use this
> approach.
> If you are here to help or support the work on the submission document about
> RDF*/SPARQL*, I will send another email later to share details about how we
> are going to do this. Given that the vacation period here has started,
> probably not much is going to happen anyways during the next weeks.
> In the meantime, maybe, everyone who has joined the list may introduce
> themselves; who are you and what's your interest in RDF*/SPARQL*?
> For myself, I simply list the documents I wrote about about RDF*/SPARQL* with
> a brief summary of what each of them provides:
> 1/ As an introductory document I created the short position statement that I
> wrote for the W3C workshop in March 2019 in Berlin. This position statement
> provides a brief motivation and an overview of the approach, a summary of its
> properties, and pointers to other publications and material.
> 2/ "Foundations of an Alternative Approach to Reification in RDF"
> This is the initial document that I wrote together with Bryan Thompson. The
> main contributions of this document are a formal definition of the RDF* data
> model, a mapping from RDF* to pure RDF with the RDF reification vocabulary, a
> definition of the Turtle* grammar, a formal definition of SPARQL*, and a precise
> specification of how SPARQL* (as a query language) extends the W3C
> recommendation of the SPARQL 1.1 Query Language.
> 3/ "SPARQL* Update"
> This document specifies SPARQL* Update, which is an RDF*-specific extension of
> SPARQL Update.
> 4/ "Foundations of RDF* and SPARQL* - An Alternative Approach to Statement-
> Level Metadata in RDF"
> This document is a research paper that looks at redundancy in RDF* graphs, and
> shows that the reification-based mappings from RDF* to RDF and from SPARQL* to
> SPARQL possess two desirable properties: they are information preserving and
> query result preserving.
> 5/ "Reconciliation of RDF* and Property Graphs"
> This document describes the relationship between RDF* and the Property Graph
> data model. More technically, this document provides two formal mappings from
> RDF* graphs to Property Graphs, and one such mapping in the other direction
> (PG to RDF*).
> Additionally, together with some of my students, we have developed an RDF*/
> SPARQL* extension of the Java RDF framework Apache Jena to provide a
> collection of tools and Java libraries to process RDF* data and SPARQL*
> queries. See:
> Moreover, we have some preliminary extension of these tools that connect RDF*
> and Property Graphs:
> Olaf
> -----
> Dr. Olaf Hartig, Docent
>   Associate Professor (Universitetslektor, docent)
>   Division for Database and Information Techniques (ADIT)
>   Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA)
>   Linköping University
>   Website:
>   Office: Building B, Ground floor, Room 2B:478
>   Postal address:
>        Dept. of Computer and Information Science (IDA)
>        Linköpings universitet
>        SE-581 83 Linköping
>        SWEDEN

Received on Monday, 8 July 2019 10:39:17 UTC