Re: RDF* semantics

On 8/6/19 11:12 AM, Olaf Hartig wrote:
> Hi Kingsley,
> On Mon, 2019-08-05 at 13:52 -0400, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> [...]
>> Under what circumstances in the real-world would the condition you model
>> arise i.e., propositions that don't manifest as part of documentation?
> For instance, we my want to capture that Alice told us that Bob's age is
> 23, even if we don't have a document from Alice with this
> statement/claim regarding Bob's age.

Through what medium did Alice make the aforementioned claim about Bob?

How is provenance articulated in said medium?

> Another example: we may want to capture that we do not believe that
> Bob's age is 23, which is independent of whether there exist a document
> making the claim about Bob's age or not.
>> All sentences/statements are inscribed to documents that have provenance
>> oriented properties such as date, time, author etc..
>> What I am trying to articulate here is that its a combination of the
>> sentence and document (in which they are inscribed) that brings
>> authority (or lack thereof) to a proposition represented as an RDF
>> sentence/statement.
>> The triple:
>> @prefix : <#> .
>> :bob foaf:age "23"^^xsd:integer . 
>> Exists in a document identified by <> , so we a missing the following part
>> of reality (as I understand it):
>> @prefix : <#> . 
>> <> a foaf:Document .
>> <> :creator :i .
>> <> :createdOn "2019-08-05"^^xsd:date . 
>> <> foaf:primaryTopic :bob. 
>> :bob foaf:age "23"^^xsd:integer . 
>> Thus, it's the authoritative weight given to <>, by whoever, under whatever
>> situation and circumstance, that leads to acceptance or rejection of the
>> claims outlined e.g., those about the foaf:age of the entity identified
>> by :bob .
> I am not questioning that. Note, however, that your document is not
> making a statement/claim about the claim regarding Bob's age (other than
> asserting it, of course).

The document is the medium through which those claims are projected. Put
differently, it provides the surface for the claim represented as

>  The purpose of RDF*, and of RDF reification,
> is to allow you to do so (within your document or within another of your
> documents).

I understand the RDF reification part since it allows one speak directly
about units of communication or "parts of speach" (subject, predicate,
and object components of RDF sentences/statements) using documentation,
just like anything else.

At this juncture, I see RDF* as being about an algorithm (delivered as
syntax sugar) for attempting to address the verbosity of  existing RDF
reification syntax rather than dealing with new RDF semantics.

Anyway, that's why "RDF* semantics" is confusing to me with regards to
its fundamental objective at this point in time.


> Best,
> Olaf
>> If we get the world we a modeling for clear, other bits of the problem
>> will become clearer.
>> Conclusion:
>> In my opinion, we need a complete example that's relatable to the world
>> that we are describing using RDF sentences :)


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Received on Tuesday, 6 August 2019 16:16:27 UTC