Re: Using sh:closed in combination with SHACL property paths and logical constraint components

as stated in <>

The SHACL Core language includes a property called sh:closed that can be used to specify the condition that each value node has values <> only for those properties that have been explicitly enumerated via the property shapes <> specified for the shape via sh:property.

So, yes. Creating explicit property shapes for them should do it or add them to the ignored list.

> On Sep 16, 2017, at 10:51 PM, John Walker <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question about behavior in SHACL playground.
> I am trying to use a closed shape to validate a case where the data graph should have instances/resources that have either property A or B.
> As a minimal example, I want to validate that a ex:Person must have either ex:firstName OR ex:givenName.
> Also, there should be no other statements in the graph.
> Example data graph:
> ```
> @prefix ex: < <>> .
> ex:Bob a ex:Person ;
>   ex:firstName "Robert" ;
>   ex:givenName "Bob" .
> ex:Alice a ex:Person ;
>   ex:firstName "Alice" .
> ex:Edward a ex:Person ;
>   ex:givenName "Ted" .
> ```
> Example shapes graph:
> ```
> @prefix rdf: < <>> .
> @prefix rdfs: < <>> .
> @prefix sh: < <>> .
> @prefix ex: < <>> .
> ex:OrConstraintExampleShape
>   a sh:NodeShape ;
>   sh:targetClass ex:Person ;
> #  sh:property [
> #    sh:path [ sh:alternativePath ( ex:firstName ex:givenName ) ] ;
> #    sh:minCount 1 ;
> #    sh:maxCount 1 ;
> #  ] ;
>   sh:xone (
>     [
>       sh:path ex:firstName ;
>       sh:minCount 1 ;
>       sh:maxCount 1 ;
>     ]
>     [
>       sh:path ex:givenName ;
>       sh:minCount 1 ;
>       sh:maxCount 1 ;
>     ]
>   ) ;
>   sh:ignoredProperties (rdf:type) ;
>   sh:closed true.
> ```
> Here I tried a couple of alternate ways to express the constraint, namely SHACL property paths and logical constraint components.
> However, I observe that when using either approach in combination with a closed shape, the playground always gives validation error that the ex:firstName and ex:givenName predicates are not allowed.
> Or is it required to add additional property shapes where those predicates are explicitly enumerated as a value of sh:path?
> As in:
> ```
> ex:OrConstraintExampleShape
>   sh:property [ sh:path ex:firstName ] , [ sh:path ex:givenName ] .
> ```
> Regards,
> John

Received on Saturday, 16 September 2017 21:41:50 UTC