Re: a non-problematic definition of pre-binding

To quickly demonstrate that this approach is not suitable, look at these 

# This is true
     VALUES $this { owl:Thing } .
     FILTER (bound($this)) .

# This is false
     VALUES $this { owl:Thing } .
         FILTER (bound($this)) .

# ?bound is false
     VALUES $this { owl:Thing } .
         BIND (bound($this) AS ?bound) .
         ?s ?p ?o .

The problem with your approach is that it only works on the top level, 
but the bindings are not visible in the nested { ... } blocks. This 
excludes many useful features including UNION+FILTER, GRAPH and sub-SELECTs.

Neither would your interpretation of pre-binding be intuitive to users. 
We have made it clear from the beginning that the intended semantics are 
not about putting a VALUES clause into the "start" of the query - this 
would not make sense because SPARQL is evaluated from the inside-out. 
Instead it was always more about *substitution*. This applied both to 
SPIN and to RDFUnit (which did text-replacement which is close to the 
intended semantics).


On 6/05/2017 22:23, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> There was a comment along the lines that it is easier to find problems with
> pre-binding than to fix pre-binding.  However, it is not hard to come up
> with a clean definition for pre-binding if one knows how SPARQL works.  One
> does have to start with a good intuition for what pre-binding should be,
> however.
> So what could the intuition for pre-binding be?  Well, the name itself gives
> a very good start.  Pre-binding is just initial binding.  That is, the
> obvious intuition behind pre-binding should be that pre-binding of variables
> in a SPARQL query involves binding the variables at the very beginning of
> the query.  No more, no less.
> How then can this be achieved?  It is actually quite simple.  The only trick
> is determining where the start of a SPARQL query is.
> Each SPARQL SELECT or ASK query has a main group graph pattern (the
> outermost braces bit, generally just after the first WHERE).  The start of a
> SPARQL SELECT or ASK query is the start of this group graph pattern.
> When translating this group graph pattern to the SPARQL algebra, instead of
> starting out with an empty basic graph pattern (which binds no variables)
> start out with a multiset of solution mappings containing the single
> solution mapping that is the pre-bindings.  This starts the query out in the
> right bindings.
> That's it.  Well, almost.  There is one issue remaining.  Variable scope has
> to be adjusted to account for pre-binding.  So the pre-bound variables have
> to be considered to be in-scope at the beginning of the main group graph
> pattern.  (To make everything in the SPARQL syntax work exactly right this
> has to actually be done by saying that there is an extra pattern at the
> beginning of the main group graph pattern and the pre-bound variables are in
> scope in this pattern.)  This eliminates undefined BIND constructs and makes
> an outermost SELECT * do the right thing.
> The effect of this simple definition of pre-binding is just like inserting
> an extended VALUES construct (extended because blank nodes are allowed) at
> the beginning of the main group graph pattern of the query.
> So pre-binding the variable this to ex:focus and the variable that to a
> particular blank node (using _:b as a stand-in for the blank node) in
>    SELECT * WHERE { ?this a ex:C . }
> has the same results as
>      VALUES+ ( ?this ?that ) { ( ex:focus _:b ) }
>      ?this a ex:C . }
> The translation to the SPARQL algebra is
>    Project (
>      ToList (
>        Join ( {{ { (this,ex:focus), (that,_:b) } }} ,
>         BGP( ?this rdf:type ex:C . ) ) ),
>      { this, that } )
> It is quite easy to implement this definition of pre-binding in a way that
> the query can be translated into the SPARQL algebra (or some other internal
> form) in advance with a placeholder for the pre-bindings and the actual
> pre-bindings inserted just before evaluation.
> This definition of pre-binding does work quite differently from the
> problematic definition of pre-binding in SHACL.  It produces different
> results for some queries that have been in the SHACL document from those
> produced by the definition of pre-binding there.  I think, however, that it
> produces the same results for all queries currently in the SHACL document.
> I don't know whether this definition satisfies the current needs of SHACL,
> partly because I've never seen a description of what SHACL needs from
> pre-binding.   I also don't know whether this definition of pre-binding
> should be adopted in SPARQL implementations or even whether SPARQL
> implementations already include this definition of pre-binding, because
> information about pre-binding in SPARQL implementations is hard to come by.
> Peter F. Patel-Schneider
> Nuance Commmunications

Received on Sunday, 7 May 2017 21:58:14 UTC