Re: ValidationResult for missing data?

Hi Holger!

Part 2 of my answer - see below.

> The definitions in the spec only cover the "negative" cases, i.e. what
> target nodes produce errors. The spec furthermore does not prescribe
> any algorithm, or whether and how these target nodes even need to be
> touched upon. The result vocabulary thus also does not include terms
> for positive results. Since this is likely a common use case, we have
> defined dash:SuccessResult as a possible term:
> The algorithm to find these is hopefully straight-forward - just get
> the set of target nodes for a shape that doesn't show up in the
> violation report.

After some experimentation, I came up with this SPARQL query to find the 
triples 'covered' by the shapes, according to the explanation you gave. 
In the middle there is a quoted part where I tried to account for target 
nodes being referenced through property paths (just to show the 
approach). I eventually decided that such nodes do not become part of 
the shape, though, because when closing the shape, they are reported as 
ValidationResults. I think we will go with this query for the time being 
- unless there is something wrong with it?

# Query for extracting data based on a SHACL validation resultPath
# * returns triples that match the shape. Additional triples found
#   in the data are not returned.
# * triples that cause errors (ValidationResults) are not returned

prefix dash: <>
prefix rdf: <>
prefix rdfs: <>
prefix schema: <>
prefix sh: <>
prefix xsd: <>
prefix sh-ext: <>
prefix ex: <>

construct {
  ?node ?prop ?val .
} where {
 ?node ?prop ?val .
       select distinct ?target ?shape
       where {
             ?shape sh:targetNode ?target .
         } union {
             ?shape sh:targetClass ?class .
             ?target a ?class .
         } union {
             ?class a rdfs:class;
                    a sh:NodeShape.
             ?target a ?class .
             bind (?shape as ?class) .
         } union {
             ?shape sh:targetSubjectsOf ?property.
             ?target ?property ?any.
         } union {
             ?shape sh:targetObjectsOf ?property.
             ?any ?property ?target.
     bind (?target as ?node)
   } union {
     # handle sh:node references: the referenced node also
     # becomes a target node
    ?target ?property ?node .
     ?shape sh:property ?propShape .
     ?propShape sh:path ?property .
     ?propShape sh:node ?otherNodeShape .
# } union {
# # handle property paths: the triples matched by the property path are
#   # 'covered' by the shape
#   ## NOTE: such properties do not seem to be
#   ## part of the shape (they are reported when the shape is closed)
#   ## so we actually don't need to handle them here... same reasoning
# ## is appliccable for all property pair constraints: e.g. object
#   ## of sh:lessThan does not become part of the shape and is reported
#   ## when the shape is closed.
# ?shape sh:property ?propShape .
# ?propShape sh:path ?pathStart .
# ?pathStart rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?prop .
#   ?target (!rdf:noprop)* ?node.
# ?target (!rdf:noprop)* ?val.
# ?node ?prop ?val.
   filter not exists {
     # filter triples based on any ValidationResult except the two below
     ?res a sh:ValidationResult ;
       sh:focusNode ?node ;
         sh:sourceConstraintComponent ?constraint .
     filter (?constraint != sh:NodeConstraintComponent &&
         ?constraint != sh:ClosedConstraintComponent)
   filter not exists {
     # filter triples based on value when a NodeConstraint
     # (sh:node) is violated
     ?res a sh:ValidationResult ;
       sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:NodeConstraintComponent ;
       sh:value ?node
   filter not exists {
     # filter triples based on focusNode/resultPath when a closed
     # (sh:closed) shape is violated
     ?res a sh:ValidationResult ;
       sh:focusNode ?node ;
          sh:resultPath ?prop ;
         sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:ClosedConstraintComponent .

Received on Friday, 1 December 2017 18:37:07 UTC