parameter descriptions for constraint components

Although it appears that Value Type in constraint component parameter
descriptions doesn't really mean or do anything, it probably should have
reasonable types.  As well, the summary should be used consistently throughout.

I have found a few places where this is not done correctly.

For example, sh:datatype has value type rdfs:resource, indicating that 7 is
acceptable as an sh:datatype value.

As far as different wording goes, lists are described in several ways

Property  Value Type  Summary
sh:languageIn  rdf:List  An RDF list of language ranges (members must have
datatype xsd:string)

Property  Value Type  Summary
sh:and  rdf:List (members: sh:Shape)  RDF list of shapes to validate the value
nodes against

All the constraint parameter descriptions should be checked to ensure that
they use consistent language and all make sense.

This is another case of loose terminology in the SHACL document.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Nuance Communications

Received on Tuesday, 18 October 2016 01:28:54 UTC