on divergence between textual and SPARQL definitions

There are several places where the textual definition of validation differs
from the SPARQL definition.

Consider, for example the shapes graph

se:s1 rdf:type sh:Shape ;
 sh:targetNode ex:n ;
 sh:property [ sh:predicate ex:p ;
               sh:class ex:c ] .

and the data graph

ex:n ex:p ex:m .
ex:m rdf:type ex:c ;
  ex:p ex:l .

According to the textual definition of sh:ClassConstraintComponent this data
graph conforms to this shapes graph as no validation result is produced for
ex:n because its sole value for ex:p is a SHACL instance of ex:c in the data

The SPARQL definition here uses the following SPARQL query

SELECT DISTINCT $this ?value
  $this ex:p ?value .
    { $value rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* $class . }

with this pre-bound to ex:n and class pre-bound to ex:c.

According to the SHACL document
evaluating this SPARQL query will produce a non-empty solution sequence,
  { { (this, ex:m), (value,ex:l) } }
  $this ex:p ?value .
will produce the set of solutions
  { { (this, ex:n), (value,ex:m) } ,
    { (this, ex:m), (value,ex:l) } }

Therefore according to the SPARQL definition of sh:ClassConstraintComponent
this data graph does not conform to this shapes graph.

The textual and SPARQL definitions conflict in several places.  One or the
other needs to be fixed or dropped.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Nuance Communications

Received on Friday, 9 December 2016 02:46:50 UTC