Schema strictness

Hi all,

As discussed off the list I am planning to add implement Shapes through the
RDFUnit suite[1].
In our research we noticed that not all errors are of equal importance and
we decided to provide different levels of error severity reporting.

For instance, having an incorrect rdfs:domain yields "error", having a
missing rdfs:range yields a "warning" (since it might be defined
elsewhere), using an owl:deprecated property also yields a "warning" and in
some specific vocabularies, not defining the reverse symmetric properties
as an "info".
(we use the common programming logging variables through the rlog

The general idea is to have the actual errors and the nice-to-validate
data. Depending on how nice it is to validate something we mark it in a
different (logging) level.

I searched through the specs and didn't find anything related in Shapes. I
am new to the spec so maybe I missed it. If not, do you plan to add support
for this?



Dimitris Kontokostas
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
Research Group:

Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2014 12:51:39 UTC