Re: Prefixes in S-expressions


Regarding the second question, an answer is that after checking that a
URI is presented as a CURI with the method to_sxp, then I can get the
prefix as follows:

def prefix_for_curi(curi)
  curi_pair = uri.to_sxp.split(':')
  prefix_name = "#{curi_pair[0]}:".to_sym
  prefix_value = uri.to_s.sub(/#{curi_pair[1]}$/, '')
  [prefix_name, prefix_value]


Daniel Hernandez <> writes:

> Hi,
> I am surprised because URIs are translated to S-expressions in different
> ways.  That means that I can get:
> uri1 == uri2  #=> true
> uri1.to_sxp   #=> wdt:P31
> uri2.to_sxp   #=> <>
> In this case uri1 is translated using a prefix.  To create a URI that is
> translated using a prefix, this URI have to be inside a query using that
> prefix.  For instance, the following query:
> query = <<~QUERY
>   PREFIX wdt: <>
>   PREFIX wd: <>
>   SELECT *
>   WHERE { ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5 }
> exp = SPARQL.parse(query).to_sxp_bin
> => [:prefix,
>  [[:"wdt:", #<RDF::URI:0xfe4 URI:>],
>   [:"wd:", #<RDF::URI:0xff0 URI:>]],
>  [:bgp,
>   [:triple,
>    #<RDF::Query::Variable:0xfb8(?person)>,
>    #<RDF::URI:0x1004 URI:>,
>    #<RDF::URI:0xfbc URI:>]]]
> Then I can print the query as a S-expression:
> puts exp.to_sxp
> => "(prefix ((wdt: <>)
>              (wd: <>))
>             (bgp (triple ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5)))"
> An I can print a part of the query:
> puts exp[2].to_sxp
> => "(bgp (triple ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5))"
> However, the second sxp is wrong, because does not define the prefixes.
> I also noticed that to equivalent URIs can be printed differently:
> uri1 = exp[2][1][2]
> uri2 = uri1.to_s
> uri1 == uri2  #=> true
> uri1.to_sxp   #=> wdt:P31
> uri2.to_sxp   #=> <>
> I see two ways to fix the second pattern:
> 1. Generate the sxp without prefixes.
>    (i.e., print <>)
> 2. Add the prefixes to the second expression
>    (i.e., add the prefix wd: <>
>    to the expression.
> Hence, I have two questions:
> 1) Can I get the respresentation without prefixes of an expression.
>    For instance, with a parameter like this:
>    exp[2].to_sxp(with_prefixes: false)
>    => (bgp (triple ?person
>                    <>
>                    <>))
> 2) Can I get the prefixed that each URI as follows:
>    uri1.get_prefix  #=> [:"wdt:", #<RDF::URI:0xfe4 URI:>]
> Thanks,
> Daniel

Received on Monday, 6 December 2021 14:39:55 UTC