Pre-release of RDF.rb 2.2

I pushed RDF.rb 2.2.0-rc1 [1] (tagged as 2.2.0.pre.rc1 on RubyGems), which contains some deprecations. I’ve released updated gems that were affected by this, which are fully compatible with RDF.rb >= 2.1

Release notes:

* Add support for Ruby 2.4
* Change most remaining interfaces to use keyword options. (Change most of the remaining `options = {}` to `**options`.)
* Change implementation of `#to_hash` to `#to_h` and deprecate `#to_hash`. This is required because `#to_hash` is an implicit accessor, which causes problems for methods using keyword options.
* Deprecate `Enumerator#to_ary` and `Statement#to_ary`
* Add `Literal#to_str` for string-like datatypes

As methods taking keyword options implicitly try to turn the last argument into a hash (using `#to_hash`), this problem can be avoided by ensuring that the last argument is always a hash (empty if necessary). This mostly affects `URI#initialize`, and `Query#initialize`.

`Array()` uses implicit `#to_ary`. As this pattern is fairly pervasive, DEPRECATION warnings are not issued. In a future release both `#to_ary` and `#to_hash` will be removed entirely, which will make interfaces more consistent. The plan is for this to be done in a future 3.0 release.

Without serious problems reported, we’ll release RDF.rb 2.2.0 about a week after 2.2.0-rc1.

Gregg Kellogg


Received on Saturday, 31 December 2016 22:09:39 UTC