RDF* (an approach for reification) - implementation in rdf-ruby ?


With great interest I was reading this description of RDF* [0], [1], [2]
(Foundations of an Alternative Approach to Reification in RDF)

To me, this seems a potentially efficient solution to 3 features that
I was missing in my current view on the RDF model and that I was
describing earlier in my ideas about Dbd [3]:

* possibility for fine grained provenance
    (on statement level, not graph level)

* possibility for strict ordering of facts/statements
    (allowing windowed caching in a log structured system)

* possibility for statement identity
    (allowing deprecation/soft delete/hard delete of older statements)

I have 2 questions:

1) do others see the RDF* proposal as a proper solution for these questions

2) if so, would it be relevant to work on a potential implementation in
rdf-ruby ?

If I understand correctly, a possible (naive) implementation could go along:

* upon storage, assign a unique internal/hidden id to each Statement
(similar to object id (oid) in postgresql; this could also be the id or
uuid of a blank Node [A] associated with each statement ?)

* also allow a reference to the oid of another statement as the value for
subject and object (next to IRI's, blank Nodes, Literals), or even simply
reusing the Blank Node option with the id or uuid of the blank Node created
in [A] above ?

If this is relevant, I would be interested to work on a branch with such
RDF* extension.


[0] http://arxiv.org/pdf/1406.3399v1.pdf
[1] http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.3399 (Abstract for [0])
[2] http://blog.bigdata.com/?p=716  (blog article by Bryan Thompson)
[3] https://github.com/petervandenabeele/dbd/ (experimental log structured

Peter Vandenabeele
gsm: +32-478-27.40.69
e-mail: peter@vandenabeele.com
skype: peter_v_be

Received on Saturday, 21 June 2014 20:20:07 UTC