Re: rdf-mongo

I just submitted a pull request which Pius just accepted, but hasn't yet released. If you were to fork it and get a pull request into him, it might get accepted for the next Gem release. Perhaps something such as the following:

# @option options [String] :collection ('quads')

  options = {:host => 'localhost', :port => 27017, :db => 'quadb', : collection => 'quads'}.merge(options)
  @db = ...
  @coll = @db[options[:collection]]

Pius hasn't been working on it, but my recent changes make it fully compatible with RDF.rb 0.3.4 queries supporting SPARQL.


On Jan 24, 2012, at 7:32 PM, jmagee wrote:

> Hello all-
> I'm new to rdf as of the last few days and have been excitedly discovering the tools and tutorials this community has developed for rdf ruby apps. So firstly, cheers!
> I'm using the rdf-mongo adaptor. Thanks to Pius for putting it out there. Just curious about the repo initializer- it seems that the collection name is hardcoded to 'quads'. I'd like to pull that up into the options and am wondering what the etiquette is for contributing/submitting pull requests, and if anyone else is actively working on the gem (although just as I'm sending this I'm seeing commits!)?
> Thanks,
> Jeff

Received on Thursday, 26 January 2012 01:58:15 UTC