Re: Language options in rdf.rb

Looking at the source, it's returned as text/html, meaning that it is using the RDF::RDFa parser. The source is, indeed, in RDFa 1.0 format. This format depends on the xml:lang or lang tags from the element containing the literal, or any element in it's ancestry. In this case, the html element contains xml:lang="en". That's why the literal has a language tag of :en. It seems that DBPedia, in this case anyway, isn't properly attributing the language to the page.

If you get the RDF/XML version of the page (, they do properly set language tags, so you will get the proper language tag assigned to the literal.

It seems that DBPedia isn't properly setting xml:lang attributes on nodes when publishing the RDFa content. It would certainly be a good idea to file this as a bug at DBPedia. In the mean time, best make use of the RDF/XML feed.


On Feb 27, 2011, at 8:11 AM, Alex Kremer wrote:

> Hi,
> Apologies if the following seems very elementary, but here goes:
> I'm trying to retrieve an abstract from a DBPedia page in English. The problem is it seems like rdf.rb thinks every result it gets back is english, even results in foreign languages:
> graph = RDF::Graph.load("")
> dbp ="")
> query = => {dbp.abstract => :abstract})
> => #<RDF::Query:0x1094812c8 @solutions=[], @options={}, @variables={}, @patterns=[#<RDF::Query::Pattern:0x84a40770(?article <> ?abstract .)>]>
> a = query.execute(graph)
> a.first
> <RDF::Query::Solution:0x84ba74d8({:abstract=>#<RDF::Literal:0x812bc7b8("Wien ist die Bundeshauptstadt der Republik \u00D6sterreich und zugleich eines der neun \u00F6sterreichischen (...shortened for brevity...) gefolgt von Z\u00FCrich und Genf an zweiter und dritter Stelle."@en)>, :article=>#<RDF::URI:0x81724044(>})>
> As you can see, rdf.rb seems to think the language for the first abstract is english, when in fact it's german. If I query DBPedia via their SPARQL endpoint I do get correct results, so I am sure their data isn't the problem here. I tried to filter the solutions by language per but since they're all tagged with @en, they all come back when I ask for English.
> Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this or how to solve it? Am I querying wrong? If so, how would I structure the query to get the proper language result? 
> Thanks in advance!
> -Alex

Received on Monday, 28 February 2011 17:16:24 UTC