A new Linked Data metadistribution of RDF.rb

I've yesterday published a `linkeddata` gem [1]. This is a
metadistribution of RDF.rb that simply depends on [2] all currently
available and usable parsing/serialization plugins (it has no
additional features in and of itself).

So, now you can install/depend on the `rdf`, `rdf-raptor`, `rdf-json`
and `rdf-trix` gems as easily as:

    $ sudo gem install linkeddata

Similarly, to require RDF.rb and all the aforementioned plugins in
your Ruby app, you would say:

    require 'linkeddata'

This gem will maintain release parity with RDF.rb (i.e., when
rdf-X.Y.Z is released, so is linkeddata-X.Y.Z), and it specifies all
its runtime dependencies in a production-safe [3] manner.

Arto Bendiken | @bendiken

[1] http://rubygems.org/gems/linkeddata
[2] http://github.com/datagraph/linkeddata
[3] http://blog.zenspider.com/2008/10/rubygems-howto-preventing-cata.html

Received on Wednesday, 26 May 2010 12:22:04 UTC