Re: RDF.rb repository tutorial

I'm not terribly familiar with neo4j, but there's no reason this
couldn't be done, and probably without too much difficulty.  I know it
has various methods to map to RDF [1], but I'm not terribly familiar
with them myself.  If there is a SPARQL HTTP endpoint, it would
probably not be too much to use the existing SPARQL client [2] with
minor modifications, as I have done with the work-in-progress Talis
backend [3].

The neo4j Ruby bindings also seem excellent, and one could probably
make a native compatibility layer that way. [4]

It's not a personal itch to scratch, but this is as doable as anything is.


On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 5:51 PM, Dominic Sisneros <> wrote:
> What would be cool is a neo4j storage adapter.  Only problem is it would
> only work for jruby
> On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 2:52 AM, Ben Lavender <> wrote:
>> All,
>> I've written a tutorial on building RDF.rb storage adapters[1].  To
>> start, it only takes implementing 3 methods and a constructor, and you
>> can just use our RDF.rb repository specs.  And to make it even easier
>> to start, I have a git repo for the tutorial code[2] and a skeleton to
>> implement a new one[3], both on github.  The given tutorial is about
>> an SQL adapter but there's no reason one can't apply the same methods
>> to just about anything.
>> Hope this is useful.
>> Ben
>> 1.
>> 2.
>> 3.

Received on Friday, 9 April 2010 10:03:06 UTC