Re: RDF.rb: A public-domain RDF library for Ruby

Hi Anthony,

On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Anthony Green <> wrote:
> Can I in the spirit of the recent 'call to arms' make a plea for blog posts,
> documentation, demonstrations of things we (newbies) can physically build
> Aside
> If anyone's interested in demoing something they can actually build with
> RDF.rb to the London Ruby Users Group please get in touch.

I think you probably meant to reply to the mailing list, instead of
directly just me, so I'm copying the list...

In any case, yes, I'm basically planning to try and stop coding for a
while and take some time to blog about all we're doing with RDF.rb. We
have quite a few RDF.rb-related blog posts lined up for the blog [1],
the next ones will likely be about:

* a tutorial for using RDF.rb with various RDF vocabularies
* a tutorial for using RDF.rb's reader/writer API to parse/serialize
various formats
* a tutorial for using RDF.rb's repository API to access Sesame stores
* a how-to for crunching through DBpedia with RDF.rb and Amazon
Elastic MapReduce
* a how-to for writing RDF.rb repository API backends, with a Cassandra example


Arto Bendiken |


Received on Thursday, 1 April 2010 15:44:27 UTC