Re: Status Check

Sounds good to me.  I'd like to participate.

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 6:54 AM, Dimitris Dimitriadis <> wrote:

> +1, sounds very interesting. When do you think this could be done?
> /Dimitris
> On 6 Aug 2009, at 15:44, Tom Morris wrote:
>  On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 04:06, David
>> Richards<> wrote:
>>> I've noticed that the Ruby gems dealing with RDF seem to be roughly in
>>> the
>>> same shape as they were in February 2008.  I'm wondering if this group is
>>> active, if there are any projects under active development, or if people
>>> are
>>> using JRuby and Java-based RDF tools.
>> I'm currently in the violent throws of academic deadlines. Come next
>> month, I'll be able to work on Reddy totally guilt-free. Hopefully
>> I'll be able to make it suck a lot less, to the point where it is
>> actually useful. Ideally, we'd have One True Way of doing RDF in Ruby,
>> and it could abstract both Redland (on C Ruby), Jena (on JRuby),
>> something I don't know about yet (on IronRuby) and my hastily
>> sellotaped together parsers written in Ruby.
>> I'm thinking of having a "hack Reddy" day, where the intersection of
>> people (a) interested in RDF, (b) interested in Ruby and (c) within
>> easy reach of London could get together for one day and make this
>> stuff all work. (c) is optional, of course - if it were to happen,
>> we'd be checking our commits in and hanging out on IRC, so non-UK
>> people could participate.
>> Yours,
>> --
>> Tom Morris

Received on Thursday, 6 August 2009 13:34:03 UTC