Re: RDFa Vocabularies

Hi Ivan,

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 10:35 AM, Ivan Herman <> wrote:
> That is actually a good point... But it is also a matter of how the RDF
> vocabulary is used. Ie, you are right that having an RDF statement of
> the sort
> <> rdfa:term "name"
> is not a good idea. But having something like
> [
>   a rdfa:Term ;
>   rdfa:uri "" ;
>   rdfa:term "name"
> ]
> would be o.k...

One way to come at this is to ask whether you might do anything with
these triples.

For example, might we reason across tokens, so that the URI we map on
Thursday might be different to the one we use on Sunday?

I wouldn't rule this out, but I'm having a hard time thinking of a
situation where it would be better to change the token mapping than it
would to actually change the underlying data ("on Thursday I work at
the office; on Sunday I work at home").

Given this, I don't see much point in going out of our way to create
tokens in RDF. Just as N3 uses @prefix and RDF/XML uses @xmlns,
there's nothing necessarily wrong with describing data that is used
for encoding triples with a language that is not itself used for
encoding triples.

Unless you want to reason over the prefix mappings I would suggest
that all we need are name-value pairs.

> I regard the Json encoding as a somewhat issue.

I would argue that the JSON encoding of RDF is crucial to the next
phase of the semantic web (just as allowing RDF to be transported via
HTML was crucial for the current phase), but that's a discussion for
another day.

The question here is narrower, and concerns whether we can enable a
broad deployment of token-mapping, across diverse systems; I would
suggest that we can only do that if JSON is part of the mix.



Mark Birbeck, webBackplane

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Received on Wednesday, 13 January 2010 10:54:56 UTC