Re: URIs in @rel and @property...

Here's an idea, and it may be a terrible one. That's for you lot to

In RDFa 1.1, all RDFa-specific attributes (i.e. not @href and @src) may
take either SafeCURIEs or Safe URIs. SafeCURIEs take the form:


SafeURIs take the form:


(Angled brackets are theoretically nicer than curly braces because they
fit better with how URIs are often given in the wild - but they'd need
escaping when serialised, so they're probably not as nice in practise.
More on this later...)

In the case of tokens which are neither a SafeCURIE nor a SafeURI, a
disambiguation method is applied:

 1. If the attrbute is @about or @resource, the token is
    a URI;

 2. If the attribute is @rel or @rev and on the list of
    known keywords, it's a keyword.

 3. If the token begins '_:' then it's a bnode.

 4. If the prefix of the token has been declared, or it's
    the empty prefix, it's a CURIE.

 5. Otherwise it's a URI.

(... More on the curly braces: actually you'll see that in most cases,
people will be able to rely on the disambiguation method rather than use
curly braces. So maybe instead with *should* use angled brackets <>
which look ugly when serialised - precisely to discourage people from
using them, and encourage them instead to rely on the disambiguation

Toby A Inkster

Received on Monday, 16 November 2009 13:35:38 UTC