Re: Call for Review of XHTML Test Cases 142, 147, and 154

Manu Sporny wrote:
> This is a call for review for Test Cases 142, 147 and 154. Everybody is
> encouraged to review these test cases. Reviews are due by next Thursday,
> 1600 UTC.
> The test cases can be found at the following URL:
> For "Test Suite", select: "XHTML+RDFa 1.0"
> For "Unit Test Status", select: "Unreviewed"
> Here is a template to follow when responding:
> TC142: approved/rejected/approved with modifications/needs discussion


> TC147: approved/rejected/approved with modifications/needs discussion

I am not sure whether the test should be a positive or a negative test.
The description of the test says "xmlns prefix 'xmlzzz' (reserved)"
which suggests a negative test. In that case, I approve.

(we should make that more clear in the test cases, maybe in the html

(sigh, my implementation is wrong:-)

> TC154: approved/rejected/approved with modifications/needs discussion

I guess for the current version this means that this is a negative test,
though it may become a positive one if, in a new release, we move to xml
5th edition...


> -- manu


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153
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Received on Friday, 6 November 2009 09:10:54 UTC