Fuzz - a Firefox RDFa extension for Add-on developers

Why might you care about Fuzz?

The Fuzz Firefox extension detects and packages RDFa triples into a
format that is easily consumable by any Firefox Add-on. This means that
Firefox extension developers no longer need to know anything about
parsing or processing RDFa, but can instead add RDFa smarts to their
Firefox Add-on with a couple of simple lines of Javascript.


Creating your own Fuzz-based Firefox Add-on:

The really nice thing about Fuzz is that it contains a small Fuzz
Extension example that you can use to create your own cross-platform
RDFa-based Firefox 3 extensions. You don't need to know anything about
the intricacies of parsing RDFa to write a Fuzz-based Firefox 3
extension. In fact, the complete Fuzz Example Extension is less than 500
lines of Javascript code, including all of the UI files.

The best part is that you can just modify and re-deploy the Fuzz Example
Extension in a matter of minutes because the build script and skeleton
code has already been written for you. Just clone the git repository, go
into the fuzz-example-extension directory, and run make. The plug-in
will be automatically built for you.

If you want to see what Fuzz Extension code looks like, check out the
fuzz_example.js[1] file in the GIT repository. You can also try out the
example extension by installing the Fuzz Add-On[2] and then installing
the Fuzz Example Extension[3].

Currently, I've only got Linux support built but hope to have Mac OS X
and Windows support within 3 weeks. I just need to find time to do the
builds on those targets. This is alpha quality software, don't be
surprised if it burns your house down.

As always, feedback, comments, gripes and improvements are very welcome.
No name calling - I am but a gentle flower, ready to wither at the first
affront to my delicate sensibilities. =P

-- manu


Manu Sporny
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Absorbing Costs Considered Harmful

Received on Wednesday, 18 March 2009 04:53:53 UTC