Re: @rel syntax in RDFa (relevant to ISSUE-60 discussion), was: Using XMLNS in link/@rel

Julian Reschke 2009-03-05 16.44:
> Manu Sporny wrote:
>> However, I don't think that's Julian's point. I believe that his point
>> is that, because of CURIEs, you have a two-stage process instead of a
>> one-stage process.
>> For CURIES, you must:
>> 1. Read the value in @rel.
>> 2. Lookup the prefix mapping and append the reference to the prefix.
>> For Microformats, non-CURIEs, etc., you must:
>> 1. Read the value in @rel.
>> Is that your issue, Julian? That because of CURIEs/RDFa, you have to do
>> more now to determine what @rel really means?
> Yes. Using a safe-CURIE wouldn't have prevented that, but at least it 
> wouldn't break URIs in rel values.

But if the user agent would be reading the profile attribute value 
and - as HTML 4 says - "perform some activity based on known 
conventions for that profile", then one could have a two step 
solution in text/html as well.

The problem is establishing the convention. May be the convention 
could be to link unknown profile IRI to the CURIE via a <link> 

<LINK     rel="" href="[cc]" >
<a rel="[cc:morePermissions]" href="link">text.</a>
leif halvard silli

Received on Friday, 6 March 2009 02:48:07 UTC