Re: @rel syntax in RDFa (relevant to ISSUE-60 discussion), was: Using XMLNS in link/@rel

On 3/1/09 2:51 PM, Dan Brickley wrote:
> This is pretty close to the current proposal floating around for 
> stuffing prefix to URI bindings into a non-xmlns attribute. Just it 
> involves tweaking the prose definition of data-* rather than adding a 
> new attribute.

The CSS working group has a very good way of dealing with experimental 
things. Examples:


Using data-rdfa- isn't much different. It's certainly easier to get 
right than XML Namespaces, it's compatible with XHTML, and it doesn't 
step on the namespace that the HTML WG is chartered to standardize. For 
example, I don't see a "property" attribute in HTML5.

- Rob

Received on Sunday, 1 March 2009 20:29:32 UTC