Re: Telecon Agenda - Thursday 1500UTC

I'll be there, thanks Manu for pushing out the agenda.


Manu Sporny wrote:
> RDFa in tha house!
> Our weekly telecon is in a couple of hours, I don't think there is
> anything blocking this weeks telecon, so let's meet. :)
> ==========
> Thursday, June 25th 2009
> 1500 UTC, W3C Zakim bridge
> tel:+1.617.761.6200 conference code RDFA
> irc://
> Duration: 60 minutes
> Scribe: Zakim, pick a victim
> ==========
> 1) Action Items
>    * We should mark all of these as CONTINUES to give more time for
>      discussion.
> 2) HTML+RDFa: RDFa signalling mechanism for XHTML+RDFa, HTML+RDFa, and
>               how does mime-type affect that mechanism? (Sam Ruby)
> 3) HTML+RDFA: Do we need to cut features from RDFa to support
>               HTML+RDFa? (Shelley Powers)
> 4) RDFa IG Charter (very very early draft)
> -- manu

Received on Thursday, 25 June 2009 14:56:37 UTC