Re: PROPOSED test cases 0127 and 0128 - empty xmlns attribute values

Philip Taylor wrote:
> Empty values for namespace prefix declarations are a well-formedness 
> error in all XML parsers that I'm aware of, so this document should 
> cause a fatal error (and no triples) in any RDFa-in-XML parser.
> (I can't actually see where really 
> says it's an error - the closest requirement is "If the attribute name 
> matches PrefixedAttName [...] the namespace name may not be empty", 
> which seems like misuse of RFC 2119 keywords but presumably is why 
> everyone implements it as a well-formedness error.)

(Whoops, I missed the bit where only emphasized terms are meant to be 
interpreted as keywords, and also I missed the errata document that adds 
"NSC: No Prefix Undeclaring. In a namespace declaration for a prefix 
(i.e where the NSAttName is a PrefixedAttName), the attribute value MUST 
NOT be empty.", so it seems clear enough.)

Philip Taylor

Received on Thursday, 4 June 2009 22:11:51 UTC