why not @profile? (Re: an alternative for microformat-like simplicity)

Hello All,

Michael Hausenblas wrote:
>>> I'd suggest that @prefix is maybe not the best name for the attribute --
>>> too focused on the mechanics of CURIE mapping. @vocab maybe?
>> I like @vocab +1 from me ;)
> +1
> @vocab makes indeed the most sense to me as well. 
I am more convinced now that the term should be @vocab because there are 
one or two things to consider first before saying lets use @profile as I 
mentioned in an earlier email, @profile everywhere sounds great to me but,

* @profile is obsolete in HTML 5  
http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#non-conforming-features, I 
think this may cause issues if RDFa is ever to become part, or an 
extension of X/HTML 5.

* Authors tend to omit @profile even when they know it should be there, 
will this make parsing RDFa intensive or impossible?

* Is there anything currently actively making use of @profile, If RDFa 
adopts @profile everywhere will it break existing implementations?

Anyway in short its better to create something new, @vocab seems to fit 
the use case of a microformat like simplicity.

> It conveys the message
> 'here is a vocabulary from which I intend to use certain terms'.
Great summary Michael :)

Best Wishes

Martin McEvoy

Received on Thursday, 23 July 2009 19:26:44 UTC