Re: RDFa Bookmarklets as Firefox Ubiquity commands

Thanks for the suggestion; done.

On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 3:42 PM, Michael
Hausenblas<> wrote:
> Nathan,
> Sounds good. You might want to consider adding it to the other Web of Data
> commands at [1] ...
> Cheers,
>      Michael
> [1]
> f_Data.2C_Semantic_Web.2C_etc.29
> --
> Dr. Michael Hausenblas
> LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
> DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
> NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
> Ireland, Europe
> Tel. +353 91 495730
>> From: Nathan Yergler <>
>> Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 14:03:17 -0400
>> To: RDFa TF list <>
>> Subject: RDFa Bookmarklets as Firefox Ubiquity commands
>> Resent-From: RDFa TF list <>
>> Resent-Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 18:04:26 +0000
>> I've been playing with Mozilla Ubiquity [1] and decided to convert the
>> RDFa Bookmarklets [2] I frequently use to commands.  Ubiquity is an
>> extension for Firefox which allows you to build new "commands" into
>> the browser.
>> If anyone else uses Ubiquity, you may be interested in the RDFa
>> commands as well.  You can find the commands on my web site [3]. Very
>> slightly more information on my blog [4].
>> Nathan
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]

Received on Monday, 13 July 2009 16:45:16 UTC