Re: RDFa without using xmlns:

Mark Birbeck wrote:
> Hi Martin,
>> [...]
>> and if you combine my example (+ your suggestions )  with yours .....
>> {
>>   namespace: {
>>     foaf: "",
>>     dc: ""
>>   },
>>   context: {
>>     base: "",
>>     token: {
>>       title: "dc:title",
>>       maker: "foaf:maker",
>>       name: "foaf:name",
>>       homepage: "foaf:homepage"
>>     }
>>   }
>> }
> Oops...sorry...I haven't explained it very well.
> My 'token' value is playing exactly the same role as your 'namespaces'
> value. So I'm suggesting that for the JSON serialisation of prefix
> mappings, we actually use RDFj.

All, sorry...
> Some justifications are:

I agree :)
> And if we allowed the abbreviation, it could become this:
>   {
>     token: {
>       foaf: "",
>       dc: ""
>     }
>   }

I have changed the example to

    "token": {
      "foaf": "",
      "dc": ""

sorry about the quotes on everything php json decoding wont work with 
out them.

Best wishes Mark and thanks for your thoughts, very valuable.

Martin McEvoy

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Received on Monday, 7 December 2009 23:08:10 UTC