Re: Default value for @about depending on language [Re: Non-XHTML host languages for RDFa]

On Tue, 2009-12-01 at 01:09 +0100, Christoph LANGE wrote:
> In OMDoc, however, the situation is different.  There, RDFa metadata
> are attached to elements, and the metadata are always metadata of
> these elements, and it it recommended to give elements an @xml:id.
> Therefore, we have in most cases the situation
> <element xml:id="i" about="#i">
>   <meta property="onto:foo" content="bar"/>
>   ...
> </element>

You could always lose the @about attribute and mention in your
documentation that "OMDoc uses RDFa with the following

To be helpful you could provide an XSLT file to transform <element
xml:id="foo"> to <element xml:id="foo" about="#foo">, which would ease
the burden on people wishing to apply generic RDFa processors to OMDoc

Toby A Inkster

Received on Tuesday, 1 December 2009 09:22:33 UTC