Re: Why bound prefixes are an anti-pattern in language design

Ian Hickson wrote:
> Some examples:
> Here is a page marked up with HTML5 microdata:
> (Note that this uses unregistered terms, so it is invalid. Unless you use 
> one of the predefined vocabularies, all identifiers should have either a 
> "." or a ":" in it.)

What do you mean "unregistered terms" ?

> This example (with its external indirections) is a great example of the 
> problem. What happens if someone copies the body of your document but 
> doesn't realise the <link> is relevant? This kind of thing _will_ happen 
> on the Web. It happens all the time. This is one reason prefixes are so 
> bad, and it affects that kind of declaration mechanism also.

Ian copy and paste is not a problem of HTML5 never has been an never 
will be, you waste far to much time with that, its the problem of "copy 
and paste", the same is also true for the style sheet, javascript or any 
other kind of script for that matter,  if an author doesnt understand 
this when he is "copy and pasting" then really its his look out not mine.

>> The big long strings ie: and, ok 
>> they are not "particularly" long strings but I can see authors writing 
>> things like there is no real difference in what I 
>> stated above, its a good idea I think to drop reverse DNS from the HTML5 
>> spec, there is really no need for it to be there, if you do I expect 
>> people will warm to microdata a lot more.
> I don't understand what you mean.
?  please explain

Best wishes

Martin McEvoy

Received on Tuesday, 11 August 2009 22:49:31 UTC