Re: RDFa and Microformats

That's the funniest thing I have read in ages.  I was crying I laughed 
so hard.  Thanks for adding a little levity to this painful discussion, 

Martin McEvoy wrote:
> Martin McEvoy wrote:
>> Hello Ben,
> [...]
>>> Feedback on this is welcome, of course, but seeing as how this has been
>>> a consistent principle of RDFa for the last 3-4 years, through Last
>>> Call, CR, and now PR, I doubt that we would give serious consideration
>>> to proposals that so substantially weaken RDFa.
>> How about Its already been done without RDFa... and why bother 
>> teaching your grandmother it at all.
> Lastly Why embed RDF in XHTML at all, surely its more practical to 
> embed  XHTML in RDF?
>>> -Ben
>> Best Wishes
>> -Martin

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Received on Thursday, 18 September 2008 02:38:02 UTC