Re: RDFa and Microformats

On 15 Sep 2008, at 12:06, Mark Birbeck wrote:

> However, if you now add a @content value that is tied to some other
> property -- in Martin's example, @class -- then we have a similiar
> situation to our previous one; how does the RDFa parser know that
> @content is being used in a Microformatty-way, and not an RDFa-way:
>   <span
>     class="dtstart" content="2008-06-28T21:00:00"
>     property="foaf:name">Toby A Inkster</span>
> Your name is now a date, in the RDFa parser.

This is not a problem of syntax, but just a problem of trying to do  
something silly. In short, the problems with the code you posted  
above have nothing to do with microformats. If you remove the  
'class="dtstart"' - the only microformat class in the code - the  
problem still exists. The same problem would occur in a pure  
microformats or pure RDFa approach:

	<abbr title="2008-06-28T21:00:00"
	class="dtstart fn">Toby A Inkster</abbr>

	<span content="2008-06-28T21:00:00"
	property="c:dtstart foaf:name">Toby A Inkster</span>

And is easily solved by adding a second element:

	<span class="dtstart" content="2008-06-28T21:00:00">
	  <span property="foaf:name">Toby A Inkster</span>

> Using the new attributes for something other than what they were
> intended for, takes us right back to the situation we're trying to
> escape from.

The reason using @content to provide data values for Microformats is  
better than using @property plus @content, is that the use of  
@content alone does not create a triple in the RDFa processing model.  
So a <span class="dtstart"> with @content (and no RDFa-specific  
properties) will not create additional misleading triples in the RDFa  
processing model.

Toby A Inkster

Received on Monday, 15 September 2008 11:29:37 UTC