Best practice for DTD validation of RDFa xmlns attributes


I'm eager to start implementing RDFa, however I'm vacillating on one
point - that I'm not sure what to do about DTD validation for the
xmlns attributes. My issue is that if I'm advertising that the
document validates against a given DTD, I feel it should actually do
so. Ideally I'd like to do them in an internal subset but if I'm not
mistaken, parameter entities (required to define attributes) can only
exist in external subsets.

I still have yet to find in my travels a best-practice document for
dealing with DTD validation of XHTML+RDFa - specifically the xmlns:foo
attributes - that's officially endorsed by the RDFa group.

Anyway, the best solution I can think of is something like this:

1) Standardize organization-wide on prefix identifiers (always fun)
2) Produce (or generate) a DTD with the appropriate xmlns attributes
3) Mow over the doctype declarations with the URI of the DTD with all
my XHTML+RDFa documents (sed ftw)

Phew, enough acronyms.

Is there be anything I'm missing, or perhaps a better way?


Dorian Taylor

Received on Sunday, 14 September 2008 11:36:00 UTC