Re: Empty @typeof

This is an interesting case.

My impl produces this:

_:bnode dc:title "xyzzy"

Which I think might actually be right.

The mere presence of @typeof triggers creating a new bnode.
But since it doesn't have a valid CURIE, there is no generated triple with

Agree that a minor editorial clarification would be nice.


On 9/7/08 2:30 AM, "Toby A Inkster" <> wrote:

> What is the meaning of this?
>    <div about="#foo">
>      <div typeof="">
>        <span property="dc:title">xyzzy</span>
>      </div>
>    </div>
> Is "xyzzy" the title of "#foo" or the title of a BNode created by the
> second <div>?
> Step #4 and #5 in the processing sequence say "if @typeof is present"
> then typeof sets a new subject. However, step #6 says of @typeof: "if
> present, the attribute must contain one or more URIs" (i.e. not zero
> or more).
> Can an empty typeof set a new subject, or is it invalid and thus
> ignored? It would be nice if the syntax document could be clarified.
> Yes, I know it would be helpful if I'd raised this issue before RDFa
> reached PR stage, but I've only just noticed it.

Received on Sunday, 7 September 2008 17:36:40 UTC