ISSUE-113 Alternative text

Hello all,

I'd like to propose a slightly different approach to the wording for
the section on XHTML fragments that was added to the June 3rd editors'
draft [1], as follows:

  A growing use of embedded metadata is to take fragments of mark-up and move
  them from one document to another. This may happen through the use
of tools, such as
  drag-and-drop in a browser, or through snippets of code provided to
authors for inclusion
  in their documents. (A good example of the latter is the licensing
fragment provided by
  Creative Commons.)

  However, those involved in creating fragments (either by building
tools, or authoring
  snippets), should be aware that this specification does not say how
fragments of
  XHTML+RDFa should be processed whilst they are 'outside' of a complete
  XHTML+RDFa document (although future versions of this or related
specifications may
  do so).

  Developers of tools that process fragments, or authors of fragments
for manual inclusion,
  should also bear in mind what will happen to their fragment once it
is included in an
  XHTML+RDFa document, and are advised to carefully consider the
amount of 'context'
  information that will be needed in order to ensure a correct
interpretation of their fragment.



[1] <>

Mark Birbeck, webBackplane

webBackplane is a trading name of Backplane Ltd. (company number
05972288, registered office: 2nd Floor, 69/85 Tabernacle Street,
London, EC2A 4RR)

Received on Thursday, 5 June 2008 16:45:37 UTC