Re: GRDDL profile and transform for RDFa: new version and new license

Fabien Gandon wrote:
> Toby,
> Thanks for the pointer.
> I reviewed section 4.1, 5.4.3 and 5.4.4 in 
> and I would like to make sure I understand this properly before 
> changing the profile:
> 1, when the default namespace is
> only reserved values are allowed as non prefixed predicate names.
Not exactly.  It has nothing to do with the default XML namespace.  
CURIEs in RDFa only permit certain non-prefixed values.  Always.
> 2, section 4.1 says "the document must explicitly contain an xmlns 
> declaration for the XHTML namespace" but
> a, does it have to be the default namespace?
Not as such, although you won't validate if it is not without some 
careful internal subset nonsense.  Again, the default "namespace" has 
nothing to do with the default "vocabulary" associated with CURIEs.
> b, do we have to check if the qname of a property has a prefix that 
> correspond to the XHTML namespace and test if its value is a reserved 
> one?
> i.e. should we reject this:
> <link rel="xhv:foo" href="" />

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Received on Monday, 21 July 2008 13:40:25 UTC