GRDDL profile and transform for RDFa: new version and new license


The 18th version of the GRDDL profile and transform for RDFa is out and
is now available under GNU LGPL v3 or Cecill-C licenses as preferred.

This new version is online together with its profile:
Generic RDFa profile:
Specific profile of this new version:

Concerning testing there are some points where I would really like to
have feedback:

TestCase 52 and 53: In the manifest of these test cases shouldn’t we have
<expectedResults rdf:datatype="xsd:boolean">false</expectedResults>

Test 86: I generate a triple while the manifest says “Test that NO
triple should be generated for a non-reserved @rel value” but I don’t
know what a “non-reserved value” is. Can someone tell me?

Tests 105 and 107: I don’t understand why no triple should be generated
and more precisely what should be tested to decide whether or not a
triple should be generated in that case. I thought non prefixed name
were considered to be in the default namespace. Do these tests mean that
non-prefixed predicate names should be ignored?

109 : I fail, I could start adding tests to check those cases but I am
not sure how far I should go and I wonder if validating the XHTML is not
outside the scope of an XSLT transformation for RDFa. Does that test
mean I should always ignore the “@xml:base” for RDFa?

The rest of the tests seems fine, although I still have the problem of
producing proper literal formatting in XSLT.


Fabien -

Received on Sunday, 20 July 2008 20:54:55 UTC