Re: RDFa in HTML 4

Hello, Shane, all.

On 18-Jul-08, at 12:22 PM, Shane McCarron wrote:
> I think that you have misunderstood the basic thread here (or we  
> never said it out loud).  No one is proposing updating HTML 4 - that  
> would be a nightmare.
> What some of us have been discussing OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF THE RDFa  
> TASK FORCE is whether it would be possible to define a profile of  
> RDFa that was usable in HTML documents.  This would be a separate  
> document type, based upon HTML 4.01.  It would have its own FPI, and  
> people could use it to validate if they wanted.

I see, thanks for the clarification.

As a web content author my immediate reaction is “ugh, ANOTHER doctype  
to choose from!?”, but I'm no expert, so it's probably not a relevant  

As far as markup validation is concerned however, if there is a  
doctype and a DTD, the validator will happily validate.

Thank you,

Received on Friday, 18 July 2008 17:01:49 UTC